Shropshire Star

Tommy Robinson and supporters march through Telford town centre

Tommy Robinson and his supporters marched through Telford in a demonstration this afternoon.

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Far-right activist Tommy Robinson held a march in Telford

Around 400 people were in attendance at the far-right activist's second public gathering in the town this year.

A heavy police presence was in place as supporters of Mr Robinson arrived at Telford Central rail station from around noon, with several more arriving later.

They gathered at the Beefeater pub on Euston Way near to the station before marching over the A442 and through the town centre.

Police triggered the Public Order Act in advance of the event, and there was a huge police presence during the demonstration.

Afterwards the local policing commander for Telford, Superintendent Jamie Dunn, said: “Today’s event caused understandable concern within our communities, particularly as it is the second of this nature in Telford.

“We have had an increased police presence around the town centre to keep any disruption to a minimum and the event has now concluded without any significant incidents of disorder and no arrests.

“The event has once again put the spotlight on child sexual exploitation and our child exploitation teams will continue to actively seek out perpetrators and prevent further offending.

"I would encourage anyone who has been a victim to come forward, regardless of when the exploitation took place. We will listen to them and ensure they have necessary support.”

Far-right activist Tommy Robinson held a march in Telford

The force had invoked powers in the Public Order Act 1986 based on the view that there was a risk of "serious public disorder, damage to property, disruption to life of the community or intimidation."

Demonstrators were ordered to process from Telford Central Railway Station at 2pm and follow a route over the footbridge into Ironmasters Way, into Forge Gate, and Lawn Central. They were advised to meet in Ironmasters Way before starting a procession back at 5.30pm.

Those who failed to comply or incite others to fail to comply will be liable to arrest.

The event follows a demonstration in January where Mr Robinson hosted the first screening of his documentary looking at the issue of child sexual exploitation in Telford. Today's demonstration was expected to include a screening of the latest film from Mr Robinson.

In nearby Southwater Square, hundreds were in attendance at a counter demonstration.

The groups Stand Up To Racism and Shropshire Trades Union Council were among those who met in the town centre at around 1pm. Placards and banners were held up saying 'No To Racism' and 'Smash Fascism and Racism', while leaflets were handed out urging people to 'oppose fascist Tommy Robinson'.

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