Shropshire Star

Shropshire-born footballer bankrupt over £120k gambling debts

A Shrewsbury-born former footballer has accepted bankruptcy restrictions for six years after he chose to pay off £120,000 gambling debts ahead of other creditors.

Last updated
Danny Guthrie

Thomas Telford School-educated Danny Sean Guthrie, aged 35, of Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, played football professionally for several English football clubs at a senior level.

Guthrie was born in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, and was a part of the Manchester United youth academy. After a successful youth career at school he left Shropshire to live on Merseyside at the age of 16 to further his footballing career at Liverpool.

According to his Wikipedia page, his career included spells at Newcastle, Reading, Fulham, Oakengates Athletic, and Walsall, and now works as a coach in Dubai.

The Insolvency Service said in May 2019, Danny Guthrie borrowed £75,000 from a friend to help him pay his household expenses, promising to repay the loan with funds raised from selling a property.

However, prior to selling the property Guthrie racked up gambling debts of £120,000.

"When he eventually sold the property in August 2020, receiving just over £160,000 in equity, he chose to repay his gambling debts ahead of other creditors by making several cash withdrawals despite knowing he was insolvent," said the Insolvency Service.

Danny Guthrie at the County Court at Stoke-on-Trent, last month accepted a six-year bankruptcy undertaking, which runs until May 2028.

As a result, he is under a number of restrictions, including not being able to borrow more than £500 without disclosing his bankrupt status, and he cannot act as a company director without the court’s permission.

Kevin Read, official receiver at the Insolvency Service, said: "Danny Guthrie’s actions were deliberate in dissipating assets, at a time he was already insolvent, and to the loss of his creditors.

"This extension of bankruptcy restrictions should serve as a warning that the Insolvency Service will take action to tackle such financial wrongdoing."