Shropshire Star

Telford dog behaviourist launches new scheme to reduce animal attack risk

A dog behaviourist from Telford has launched a new scheme to educate pet owners in a bid to reduce the risk of animal attacks in the region.

Last updated
Left to right: Jill Ashurst and Lizz, Anne Browning with Spa and Meg, Rose Felstead and Charlie, Sue Davies with Rift and Oren and Claire Ramsey with Flossy

Anne Browning, who runs Roann’s Dog Therapy, has launched the ‘Responsible Dog Owners Award Scheme’ with the aim of getting people to understand the responsibilities of owning a dog.

"The award is very much like a driving test," she said. "It has a theory and practical part to it.

"Dog owners have to pass the theory first, before doing the practical side. Once they have passed both, owners are awarded a certificate and enamel badge to wear with pride.

"Educating owners is the best way to help avoid the many dog attacks and behavioural problems we have in society.

"Being a good dog owner, is not just about providing food, and water, and massive amounts of love, but about knowing and understanding as much as you can about the animal you have chosen to live with.

"Your dog didn’t choose to live with you. It is you who wants or needs to have them in your life, and they are fully dependent on us to give them the best life we can.

"One of the biggest problems is the lack of knowledge by many owners and we need to look at what we need to do to take on the responsibility of owning our beloved companions.

"We also have a duty to be considerate to others, and to make sure we abide by the laws in respect to owning an animal."

The scheme costs £25 and more details are available from Anne by emailing or visiting