Shropshire Star

Talented young archer becomes U12 champion shortly after ninth birthday

A nine-year-old archery star has been crowned U12 national champion at the Junior National Outdoor Championships.

Hector holding his Gentleman Recurve U12 Champion trophy

Hector Elwell, from Leighton near Ironbridge, became the national recurve U12 boys champion earlier this month, winning the competition at the Lilleshall National Sports Centre on Saturday and Sunday, July 2 and 3.

The talented youngster won the two-day competition where he had to shoot 36 arrows at 40 metres, 30 metres, 20 metres and at 10 metres.

Hector, who goes to Bruern Abbey School near Bicester, competed predominantly against 11-year-olds after only turning nine himself the week before.

He trains at Long Mynd Archers and has been doing the sport since he was first introduced to it by his grandmother, aged six.

And he is coached by Tom Williamson, whose daughter represented Great Britain in Archery at six consecutive Olympics.

Kate Elwell, Hector's mum, said the family are so proud of his achievements, especially his grandmother, who is his number one fan.

She said: "My mum was jumping up and down screaming when he won.

"It is their thing that they do together.

"Every weekend, they go off to his training, and she is 80.

"My mum and Tom are his cheerleading team.

"It was just lovely, it is great to see him so enthusiastic about it.

"He did not expect to win.

"He was just going for the practice, and he went with no expectations.

"At the beginning, he was not doing that well because he takes a while to warm up, but then he got going.

"His coach didn't tell him he was catching up so that he did not distract him.

"He has decided he wants to be in the Olympics one day. He wants to represent his country, that is what he keeps telling everyone."

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