Shropshire Star

New CCTV suite at Telford police station to monitor 700 cameras around borough

A new CCTV suite will allow more than 700 cameras to be monitored across Telford & Wrekin.

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Enforcement officer Adam Zaniewski with deputy leader and cabinet member for housing, enforcement and transport, Councillor Richard Overton.

The suite, which will be monitored by police, Telford & Wrekin Council staff, and volunteers, is at Malinsgate Police Station in Telford, and will monitor more than 30 sites across the borough.

The centre has been funded through a joint partnership by Telford & Wrekin Council and West Mercia's Police and Crime Commissioner, John Campion.

The council's Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing, Enforcement and Transport, Richard Overton, said: “We are on your side when it comes to community safety and willing to work closely with partners to deliver an effective response that serves the needs of all involved.

“From residents looking for reassurance or deterrents to crime and anti-social behaviour to the police and our own teams needing evidence to secure prosecutions.

“We will continue to invest and develop a systematic, cost-effective way to provide monitoring 24 hours a day and an effective method of preventing and reducing the fear of crime, securing prosecutions and helping with a host of public safety issues."

Mr Campion said: “I made a commitment to ensure our communities are safe and feel safe, and the joint investment in CCTV helps deliver this commitment.

“Not only does CCTV support the police, it empowers justice, helps victims and contributes to an overall feeling of safety. This is one more step, working closely with Telford & Wrekin Council to build safer and stronger communities.”

Although the footage is not viewed 24 hours a day, the teams are working to reach this goal and instead currently view the screens at strategic times.

If criminal activity is noticed on camera, they can direct police to the incident in real time.

Chief Inspector Helen Kinrade of West Mercia Police said: “This is a great development for Telford, and it is also a really good example of partners working together on innovative solutions that will benefit the whole community.

“I’m delighted that we’ve been able to open this new CCTV suite here at Malinsgate police station, which will benefit the people of Telford as well as our emergency services.

“We can enhance our service to the public by ensuring our CCTV technology is modern and fit for purpose, and will serve our communities and officers for many years to come.”