Shropshire Star

Telford boy, 6, calls 999 to help mum during seizure 24 years after she did same for her mother

History repeated itself when a Telford youngster rang 999 to help his mother when she suffered an epileptic fit.

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Bradley Butler from St Georges

Six-year-old Bradley Butler, who is autistic, used his own initiative to race downstairs to call for an ambulance as his dad Chris focused on trying to support mum Amy when she had a frightening seizure at their home in St Georges.

Bradley's actions came more than 20 years after Amy had herself been placed in a similar predicament when her mother Joanne also had an epileptic fit. She as later presented an award for bravery from Shropshire Ambulance Service.

Bradley Butler from St Georges

Amy said: "I am so proud of Bradley because it was a scary situation for him to find himself in but, without a second thought, he used his own initiative.

"I was in bed as I wasn't feeling very well and then had a fit. My partner, Chris, heard a big bang and came upstairs and Bradley followed him.

"They saw I was having a fit and my partner focused on me as he was trying to count how long I was having the seizure for."

Proud mum Amy and Bradley

"We also had our other two children – CJ, six months, and Leo, aged 19 months – and he had to cope with them at the same time.

"So instead of him having to take his eyes off me, Bradley, off his own initiative, had raced off and got to the phone and instantly called 999.

"He then brought it upstairs and my partner could hear the person on the other end. Fortunately when the ambulance came, I was checked over but I didn't have to go into hospital."

Bradley's reaction followed a similar incident for Amy in 1998.

When mum Joanne lost consciousness and began frothing at the mouth at their home in Upton View, Pontesbury, near Shrewsbury, Amy acted quickly to call for the emergency services.

Amy received some certificates from Shropshire Ambulance Service at Shrewsbury after helping her mum in 1998

"I was five and my mum had a fit in the kitchen," she recalls. "I'd been taught how to dial 999 the day before and I called them and the ambulance crew came.

"I received an award off West Midlands Ambulance Service and ended up in the Shropshire Star and with a Blue Peter badge too!"

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