Telford man, 79, thanks boys who rushed to his aid after nasty fall
A Telford pensioner has said thank you to two boys who went to his aid after he fell in the street.

Ken Mason, 79, was helped by 13-year-olds Mark Hindley and Tyler Tunnicliff after he tripped on his way from Telford Town Centre to Malinslee.
The two school friends were cycling when they saw Mr Mason lying on the ground and rushed to help him. Some adult passers-by also stopped to help.
Mark said: “I rang 999 and Tyler ran to the police station. Some people were just driving past.
“He was bleeding quite badly on his nose and the side of his head. We stayed with him until his family and the police arrived.”

So grateful were Mr Mason and his wife, Chris, that they tracked down the two boys to say thank you – and this week the couple, were able to give them cards and gifts.
“We wanted their actions to be recognised,” Mrs Mason said.
“Too often young people get the blame for a lot of negative things and we wanted to show just how wonderful young people can be.
“They immediately jumped into action; going to Ken, phoning the emergency services and then reassuring him that everything was going to be alright.”
Tyler said they never expected to be given a reward. “We just did what anyone would do,” he said.
Mr Mason, said he was so grateful to everyone who had stopped.
“These two really are very special lads,” he said. “They are two real heroes.”
Mrs Mason and Mark’s mum, Ashleigh, got in touch with each other after Ashleigh had posted on social media to see if anyone knew the injured man to check if he was OK.
“I am proud of them both,” she said.
“You hear too much about young people when they get into trouble so it is good to let people know most young people are great.”
Mrs Mason said she was grateful to everyone who stopped to help. “One mum even used her baby’s muslin to help stem Ken’s bleeding,” she said.
Mr Mason had to spend 12 hours in A&E while he was checked over but did not need an overnight stay in hospital.
“He hadn’t broken anything and thankfully he is healing well,” Mrs Mason said.