Shropshire Star

Council praised for parking space investment

A salon-owner has praised the council after it created more car parking spaces at her Telford estate as part of a £2 million investment for more residential parking in the area.

Vickie Randall of Telford has welcomed more parking spaces

Vickie Randall of ‘Vick’s Hair & Beauty Lounge’ in Dawley Bank, said it used to be a "nightmare" coming home before Telford & Wrekin Council created a small number of new spaces near her house.

She said: “It used to be a nightmare if you came home late like I did sometimes from working at the salon, I couldn’t park anywhere or would have to risk blocking someone in – plus there was no emergency access.

“It caused a lot of friction between neighbours as we all needed to park nearby – there was just no room anywhere else, and the walk was too far, especially from some of the older people or those with children or heavy bags and shopping to carry.

"It wasn't a huge scheme but the new spaces made it a much nicer place to come home to.”

The new spaces were created as part of a £2 million investment by Telford & Wrekin Council for extra parking for housing estates across the borough.

The council has said around 500 new or refurbished spaces will have been delivered by April, and the majority have been put in place at the request of residents with the aim of easing parking limitations but maintaining green spaces.

Some of the areas already delivered to date include Princess End, Malinslee. First Avenue, Ketley Bank. Sutton Way, Sutton Hill, Rutland Green, Leegomery with additional sites being assessed by engineers.

Councillor Lee Carter, cabinet member for neighbourhood services, regeneration and the high street said: “We will never be able to solve the problem on every estate and the work going on that may be in your street is the tip of the iceberg, it may look like a small project but we are making improvements where we can across Telford & Wrekin.

“It’s a real juggling act to make sure we balance the need to make things better for residents while preserving green spaces."

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