Police plea after on-going issue with youths scaling community theatre
Police officers in Telford have issued a plea after youths repeatedly scale a community theatre.

Officers with Donnington's Safer Neighbourhood Team have issued a warning after repeated incidents of youths scaling the area's Little Theatre.
The historic building has been providing plays and pantomimes to the town for decades and is staffed predominately by volunteers.
Now, those volunteers are having to consider additional investment to stop youths climbing onto the building, which originally formed part of Donnington's military base.
Evidence of graffiti and damage to the theatre's doors have also been found.
PC Rob Hughes said: "For some reason children seem to want to climb on it, this is not new but the issue here is the risk of injury to the children and damage that they cause to the building.
"The group that manage the building through funding have had to consider extra measures to stop the youths climbing onto the building, the money that could have been used for costumes and props will need to be used to increase security."
Police are asking anyone who sees people on the theatre's roof to contact 101.