Shropshire Star

Bereaved dad and friend climb The Wrekin 20 times in a day for charity

Two friends have raised more than £4,500 after climbing The Wrekin at the weekend - an incredible 20 times.

Stuart Cain and Matt Brindley after climbing the Wreking 20 times on Saturday

Stuart Cain, 40, and Matt Brindley, 39, took part in the challenge after Stuart and partner Jodi Ambrose lost their baby daughter, Ada, in December last year due to a miscarriage.

The couple have since set up Ada's Foundation, to help provide support to families suffering pregnancy loss. It has been set up in co-operation with the bereavement team at Telford's Princess Royal Hospital.

Stuart, from Telford, who runs a local health and wellbeing business, and Matt, a dad of two from Coventry, took on Telford's most iconic peak on Friday, starting at 4pm.

Supports of Stuart and Matt after their climb
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