Telford charity offering free drop-in groups for parents of under-fives
A Telford charity which offers families support in their time of need runs a range of groups to help combat the stresses and isolation faced by the parents of young children.
Home-Start Telford & Wrekin aims to give children under five the best possible start by helping parents manage daily life and widen links within their community.
That includes giving parents of under-fives a chance to meet up with those in the same situation in weekly support groups for both children and parents.
The charity has six free groups that run through term time and offer support, advice, and a chance to make new friends. They include sessions for parents of under-fives, new mums aged 19 or under, a dads’ group, and a group for expectant mums and parents with under-one-year-olds.
Caia Bryant-Griffiths, manager of the charity, said that the groups were part of the charity’s role in providing help, friendship, advice, and support for parents with children under-five.
“There is no rulebook for raising a family, and sometimes it can seem overwhelming, particularly if a family is going through difficult times," she said.
"But if they can get the support they need, then day-to-day family life and their children’s future can be much brighter.
“These groups give parents of young children a chance to get out, make new friends, and find out what support is available."
The Home-Start Telford & Wrekin groups meet at various venues across the area during term time. The Bump to Baby Club meets every Thursday at the Creative Training Space at 8-10 Duke Street, Wellington, from 1 pm to 2:30 pm.
The Me Time drop-in group for parents with children under five meets at the Hollinswood Neighbourhood Centre on Mondays from 1pm-2:30pm. It includes a crèche, crafts, well-being sessions, pampering, and peer support. A similar Me Time group for mums aged 19 or under occurs at Meeting Point House, Southwater, on Thursdays from 10am-11.30am.
The peer support group for dads, Dad Squad, meets on Wednesdays at the Boardroom Gaming Cafe in Wellington from 1.30pm-2.30 pm.
Two parent and child groups take place at the HLC Family Room in Hadley. Chatterbox is held on Wednesdays from 1pm-2.30 pm and Playing Together takes place on Fridays from 9.30am-11am. Both include fun activities, crafts, and storytime.
Details are available by calling 01952 872280 or at