Shropshire Star

Hospital champion Alan's lifesaving final gift

A collection at the funeral of a former chairman of the Friends of the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford has raised just over £1,000, which has been used to buy a defibrillator.


Alan Millward, from Oakengates, chaired the volunteer-led charity for 11 years, raising money to buy equipment for the benefit of patients at the hospital.

Sadly the Friends group in Telford is now defunct.

Alan, who was 79, died in hospital after collapsing at the Maddocks sports and social club in Oakengates after a game of bowls. The funeral was in September.

Widow Ann said: "I have, together with the local council, got the defibrillator and it is to be presented to Maddocks sports and social club in Oakengates on Friday, October 27, at 11am.

"There will be some representatives attending from Alan’s life together with local councillors. I think Alan would have approved of what I had done."

A defibrillator is a device which can save the life of somebody in cardiac arrest by delivering an electric shock to the heart.

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