Shropshire Star

Telford mum has baby at 2.30am on Christmas Day - and makes it home in time to open presents at 8

Supermum Hollie McGraw gave birth at 2.30am on Christmas day, and she and her partner were back home to see their older children open the presents from Santa less than six hours later.

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Hollie McGraw with Honey Susie McGraw-Broomhall, who was born on Christmas morning.

Hollie and her partner Ashley Broomhall received an extra special Christmas present with the birth of Honey Susie McGraw-Broomhall, who was born at 2.37am on Christmas day, weighing 7lb 12oz.

On Christmas Eve the pair had been getting their two older children, Beau, 10, and Reggie, five, ready for sleep ahead of Santa's arrival – but heading for bed at around 10pm, the contractions started.

Ashley, 34, quickly rang Hollie's mum and dad, who luckily live on the same street in Madeley, Telford, then carried Reggie out of bed to their house with Beau.

The pair then made their way to Princess Royal Hospital in Telford, where Honey was the first Christmas Day baby delivered of the year.

Honey Susie McGraw-Broomhall

Hollie, 29, said that after a few hours' rest at the hospital they made it back home by 8am on Christmas morning – even before Beau and Reggie had woken up.

And when the youngsters did get back to the house, they were so excited about Santa's visit they ran straight past their new sister.

Hollie said: "My mom and dad woke Beau and Reggie up and they walked down to our house - the kids were unaware at this point the baby had been born.

"Both kids walked straight into the house excited to see if Santa had been, they walked straight past the Moses basket in our lounge, so me and Ashley had to point out there was a baby in the Moses basket. They were in shock!"

Honey Susie McGraw-Broomhall

And there was an extra surprise on top: Hollie and Ashley hadn't known Honey's gender before she was born so it was a complete surprise for the couple.

After Honey's arrival they also hadn't told Hollie's parents so when Beau and Reggie returned home they set off a gender cannon to reveal they had a new sister.

Hollie said that both siblings were delighted to have a new girl in the family.