Shropshire Star

Telford farm diversification project given approval

Proposals for a Shropshire farm to increase their diversification project have been approved, despite objections from neighbouring properties.

Self-container units have been approved for a farm off the A442 (Queensway) in Telford. (Picture: Google)

Eyton Farm in Telford has had plans approved by Telford & Wrekin Council for 15 self-storage containers to be situated on the farm.

The farm had plans for 10 self-storage containers approved in November 2022 and the latest applicant was for a ‘modest expansion’ of their ‘successful diversification project’.

“The location of Eyton Farm affording good access onto the A442 and being located on the edge of Telford’s conurbation, it is convenient situation for local householders, including small scale trades people, requiring storage solutions,” said applicant Sydney Farms Limited in their design and access statement.

“The extent of the land proposed to be utilised will remain the same as approved, as it is evident there is adequate space for additional containers to be situated, thus allowing increasing efficiency of this fledgling diversification project.

“Opposite the entrance to Eyton Farm is a large-scale residential development under construction and in close proximity is a strategic employment site. Thus, the diversification of part of the farmstead for a commercial use is considered logical and not out of keeping with wider uses.”

Operating hours are planned to be 7am until 7pm Monday to Friday and by appointment at the weekend between the hours of 8am and 6pm.

Security gates and CCTV for security purposes will be implements, but visits would be unaccompanied.

Telford & Wrekin Council stated that they had received objections from two homes which are situated adjacent to the farm’s access road.

They raised concerns about the increase in self-storage containers resulting in additional traffic.

The council’s planning officer concluded: “It is expected that some level of additional traffic would be present as a result of a new business. The number of journeys described in the objections would not be considered to have a significant adverse impact upon the existing road network.”

Objectors also raised concerns about the loss of privacy at their properties as a result of large vehicles using the lane.

In response the council’s planning officer stated that the objecting properties were located on a junction of the busy A442 road.

They added that the lane leading to Eyton Farm connects through to the village Eyton upon the Weald Moors where a ‘large’ poultry unit is in operation.

“The area is already subject to the presence of large farm vehicles,” added the planning officer.

“The earlier 2022 consent does not restrict the type of vehicles entering. It is also noted that the council have not received any complaints prior to the submission of this application.

“The local planning authority considers no significant adverse impacts would occur as a result of the development on residential amenity.”

The council has approved the application with the conditions that the containers should not be sold, let or sublet separate to the main dwelling.

The planning officer added that the containers will be located down a single track road and will be ‘set back considerably’ from the street scene.

The applicant has also proposed implementing additional landscaping on the site to further screen the containers.

“The applicant has outlined that the additional units would allow expansion of the existing business and would continue to diversify the rural economy and help sustain the applicants farming business, by offering an additional source of income,” concluded the planning officer.

“The local highways authority have been consulted on the proposal and have raised no objections. It is therefore considered that the local highways network is capable of accommodating the extra traffic generated by the development.”

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