Shropshire Star

'Two for the price of one' as drugs raid on Telford house reveals Shawshank-style hole to next-door

Police officers got more than they bargained for when a drugs raid on a cannabis farm in Telford uncovered a hole leading to the neighbouring house.

Sergeant Matt Corfield with the hole linking the two houses

Officers from Telford's relatively new Neighbourhood Crime Fighting Team carried out a raid on a property on Warrensway in Woodside on Tuesday morning.

The Shropshire Star was invited along to watch the action unfold.

The team gathered at Malinsgate Police Station for an 8am briefing, where they were told fans had been heard whirring away at the property.

Within the hour, 15 officers piled out of a police van and two unmarked vehicles to surround the terrace house at around 8.55am.

The front door came away easily, but access to the property would prove to not be so simple.

With a swift blow of a battering ram, the front door was easily taken down - but access to the property would prove to not be so simple.

Confronting the team were a series of reinforcements throughout the house including screwed-in doors, a blockade to the upper floor and even a false wall.

Officers inspect the double layer of doors that was proving a handful to break down