Shropshire Star

Telford charity says big thank you to fantastic volunteers

A charity is celebrating its team of dedicated volunteers by saying a big thank you for the support they give local parents experiencing tough times.

Caia Bryant-Griffiths strategic lead for Home-Start Telford and Wrekin

It is more than 50 years since the first Home-Start began supporting families in Leicester.

Now Home-Start Telford & Wrekin has thanked its team of 52 trained volunteers as part of this year’s Volunteers’ Week, which starts today.

Caia Bryant-Griffiths, strategic lead for Home-Start Telford & Wrekin, said: “We are so proud of our wonderful volunteers and the contribution they make in supporting parents locally.

"This national week gives us the perfect chance to let them know how special they all are. It’s also the ideal opportunity to raise awareness for anyone else in the community who might feel inspired to join the team."

Sally Munday, Volunteer Development Manager at Home-Start UK, added: “Being a parent has never been easy. It can be lonely, frustrating, heart breaking and over-whelming. The Home-Start network has stood alongside families when they need us most. The most incredible volunteers are at the very heart of it all. National Volunteers Week is the perfect opportunity to say thank you to our network of around 10,000 Home-Start volunteers around the country.”

There are many volunteer opportunities including visiting families in the community, office experience and trustee roles.

New parents who feel like Home-Start support might help, can get in touch via

For those who wish to volunteer a couple of hours a week to provide a family with support can email or call on 01952 872280 for details.

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