Shropshire Star

Grieving man smashed alcohol bottles in petrol station after cashier refused to serve him

A grieving man who smashed up more than £100 of alcohol bottles when a petrol station cashier refused to serve him has been handed a conditional discharge.

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Ryan Thomas James Campbell of Southgate, Sutton Hill, had been at the Jet petrol station in the area on March 30 while “under the influence of alcohol”, Telford Magistrates heard on Tuesday.

Sharan Gill, prosecuting said the 31-year-old had begun by shouting abuse at the cashier through the external serving hatch.

She added: “He then goes into the shop and continues being abusive and is throwing items at the cashier. He was drunk and abusive and the cashier refused to serve him.”

She said while the cashier was serving another customer, Campbell went to the fridge area, where he proceeded to pull out alcohol bottles and smash them on the floor.

“It resulted in £117.57 of damage,” Mrs Gill said, adding that the defendant also broke the locking mechanism of the garage by kicking the door.

The petrol staton in Sutton Hill

Representing himself, a remorseful Campbell, who the court heard was a man of previous good character and who had pleaded guilty to one count of criminal damage, apologised for his behaviour.

The railway cleaner told the court he had been grieving following the death of two family members and was using alcohol “to numb the pain”.

He said: “I was going through a lot of the time. I'm sorry for what I've done, I did not mean to do it the way I did.

“My intention was to do myself in as I'd had enough of my life. I was worried about providing for my children. That's what caused me to go and do what I did. I'm sorry for what I've done.”

Magistrates imposed conditional discharge, telling him that no further action would be taken if he remained out of trouble for the next 12 months.

He was also ordered to pay the Jet petrol station £117 in compensation for the damaged bottles of alcohol.

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