Shropshire Star

Assisted living flats plans for Telford

Plans have been submitted to convert a Telford home into two assisted living flats.


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The proposal by Ashlee Homes includes removing the existing conservatory at the property in Freeston Avenue, St Georges, and erecting an extension at the rear. A storage building will also be replaced with an extension for an office and staff toilet.

Two parking spaces will be provided, and there will be two members of staff on duty at any one time due to the residents needing one-to-one care.

Shift change hours will be from 6am to 6pm, with handovers phased over a 30-minute period to ensure no vehicles are blocking the road or causing inconvenience to neighbours.

“The proposed development will not place any undue pressure upon the existing infrastructure as the development involves the change of use from a two-bed dwelling to two one-bed dwellings,” reads a planning statement provided by Keystone Design Associates Ltd.

The scheme has the backing of Telford & Wrekin Council, but not from St George & Priorslee Parish Council, whose members are concerned that this is the second application to the site, increasing the volume of traffic.

“We think we need to be mindful of the number of extra vehicles that will be attempting to park in an already busy residential area,” reads the council's comment.

“The site is now being changed to four properties and a business all of which will require parking in a very narrow and heavily used dead end.”