Shropshire Star

Police and crime commissioner to meet force over improvement progress

The region's police and crime commissioner will be meeting with the chief constable for his latest discussions on the force's performance.


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West Mercia Police, Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) John Campion is holding the 'assurance and accountability session with Temporary Chief Constable (T/CC) Alex Murray, on Tuesday, August 27.

The formal meeting will be a discussion between the PCC and T/CC on the force’s performance on a number of public priorities.

This includes understanding how West Mercia Police is delivering on the PCC’s Safer West Mercia Plan in certain performance areas – including action around domestic abuse and improvements to staff morale – as well as how it is meeting the commitments laid out in the PCC’s budget.

Updates will be provided by the T/CC on the National Priorities for Policing and the activity being conducted around areas such as serious violence, drugs/county lines, and neighbourhood crime.

West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion.

There will also be an update on how improvements have been made since HMICFRS conducted their inspection of custody suites across West Mercia.

Mr Campion said: “As your voice in policing, I am committed to ensuring you get the high level of service you and I expect from West Mercia Police.

“My latest meeting with the T/CC will allow me to further understand the action the force is taking to ensure you are safe and feel safe in your community.

“This will also be an opportunity for the T/CC to detail what improvements have been made in recent months around the force’s performance and what is being done to ensure they continue.”

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