Shropshire Star

More than 2,000 youngsters join summer sports events

More than 2,000 youngsters are estimated to have taken part in a council's action packed programme of sporting activities this summer.


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Telford & Wrekin Council's Urban Games provided free Olympic-themed sports and activity sessions for young people at venues across the town.

While exact figures are not yet confirmed the council said the 200 activities are estimated to have drawn in more than 2,000 participants.

Along with the usual sports – football, netball, hockey and cricket – there were new additions, including quidditch and archery, all happening at local venues like playgrounds, sports courts and greenspaces.

The activities have been free to attend, and were supported by professional coaches.

The council's cabinet member for healthier, safer & stronger communities and partnerships, Councillor Kelly Middleton said: “These sessions are part of the council’s ambition to make Telford and Wrekin a cleaner, greener and safer place to live. Best of all, the sessions are completely free to attend, and run by professional coaches so you can be sure your youngsters are safe and having fun.”

The Urban Games continue to run until the end of the summer school holidays, including professional wrestling, multisport such as archery and quidditch, hockey, netball and cricket.

The Telford Bike hub will also be open, and Shropshire Wildlife will be hosting Wild Telford activity days.

Details are available on the event flyer.

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