Shropshire Star

Two new sports pitches and a pavilion in a field in Telford set for approval

Planning permission is set to be granted for the building of leisure facilities, despite attracting dozens of objections.


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In May, Telford & Wrekin Council submitted a planning application for two new sports pitches and a pavilion in a field in Newdale in Telford.

The plans include a 3G synthetic pitch, a grass pitch, and the single-storey sports pavilion off Waterloo Road, in the field opposite Overdale's outdoor gym.

The application also includes plans for landscaping, access improvements and parking facilities, cycle storage and electric vehicle charging, while the pavilion would have a kitchen, toilets and changing facilities.

While plans were welcomed by Lawley and Overdale Parish Council, who say the new facilities would "be a most valuable asset to both the local community and borough as a whole", the application attracted several objections.

The proposed site in Overdale

One objection, from the non-departmental public body The Coal Authority (CA), raised "substantive concern" over the application, due to the history of coal mining in the area.

Sport England also initially objected to the plans after raising concerns about the design of the pitches and their management and maintenance.

But according to new documents, both organisations are now supportive of the proposals after receiving clarification and additional information by the council.

The Coal Authority has reportedly withdrawn its objection, subject to the imposition of a condition requiring a signed statement of safety prior to occupation.

The impact on wildlife was a primary concern of many residents who raised an objection to the plan.

The plans for the new facilities. Photo: BiT/Telford & Wrekin Council

Newdale resident, Miss Davies said there were "a few reasons" the field was not a suitable location for the facility, citing coaches using the narrow road and impact on local wildlife - such as buzzards, kestrels, owls and butterflies.

She added: "Is this really the most suitable place for a sports facility, a place which is frequently used by dog walkers, for picnics, kite flying and general enjoyment and the only easily accessible 'wild space' for quite a distance?

"I despair at the noise and the rubbish that will stack up eventually, replacing what is such a wonderful and newly formed beauty spot."

But the planning committee report states that several wildlife surveys had been undertaken, including for bats, butterflies and reptiles and raised no cause for concern.

A breeding bird survey identified twenty-five individual species onsite, including nesting Song Thrush, Mistle Trush and House Sparrow.

The report concluded: "The retention of boundary hedgerow, scrub and grassland areas would continue to provide habitat for birds. Enhancement of the woodland area would also provide improved habitat for bird species.

"The installation of bird boxes has been included as a condition below to ensure additional nesting features for birds are available post-development."

Despite locals' concerns about traffic, highways raised no technical objections to the plans.

The report is set to be presented to Telford & Wrekin's planning committee on September 4, recommending the scheme for approval.