Shropshire Star

Landfill operator wants to keep large earth mound over fears its removal could affect locals

A landfill operator wants to change planning conditions to allow a large earth pile to remain on site – with fears removing it could lead to increased smell, noise, and dust.

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Potters (Midlands) Limited has submitted an application to Telford & Wrekin Council over the issue at the Granville Landfill Site, at Grange Lane in Redhill.

It relates to a large earth pile on the southern boundary of the site – which is currently 12m tall.

The planning condition approved for the site only allows the topsoil and subsoil mounds to be three metres and five metres respectively – meaning the current pile is well above the maximum height permitted.

The application asks permission to allow the mound to remain, before it is gradually used on operations for future road construction on site by December 31, 2030.

A letter from Sirius Planning, on behalf of Potters (Midlands), states that there is concern that reducing the pile could have a number of impacts, including on smell.

The issue comes after the Environment Agency has in recent months required the landfill to take action over the smell from the site.

The planning application states: "Discussions between Potters and the Planning Officer have been held in respect of the height of this temporary earth pile.

"The applicant considers that reducing the height of the existing earth pile now would cause adverse impacts to surrounding sensitive receptors as the existing earth pile provides an effective screening bund for new housing development to the west and south of the site and prevents litter and dust travelling beyond the bund.

"It is considered that reducing the earth pile at this time will expose sensitive receptors to greater visual impact as well as potential dust, noise and odour impacts, plus there are no other options to store this material which would otherwise sterilise approved void space."

Detailing the plan for mound the application says: "Potters are therefore seeking to vary condition 19 to retain the existing/insitu earth pile on site for the duration of the permitted operations.

"The earth pile will be used/removed before the permission expiry date of 31st December 2030, with the material used on-site for future haul road construction and maintenance of access roads for the remaining operation site life, for pathway construction for the final restoration of the site."

It comes as the Environment Agency (EA) has been working with the landfill since earlier this year after complaints from local residents about the smell.

An Environment Agency officer inspecting the progress of the capping works at the site. Picture: Environment Agency

The EA has said that plans to address the situation have been put in place over recent months.

In its latest update it said: "We undertook a gas management audit of the site in July 2024. As a result of this audit Potters (Midlands) Ltd have submitted new procedures for gas and odour management.

"The operator has reviewed its plans for the phasing of future areas to ensure cells that require capping are more manageable and completed regularly.

"The cells that have been tipped in this year are now full of waste. The temporary capping of these will now be a priority. This will involve a substantial layer of clay placed over the whole cell to stop gas emissions causing odour issues, and tests will be carried out by the operator to confirm this.

"The plans are to permanently cap this in spring 2025. Gas control is in place within these cells.

"Waste operations have moved into the newly engineered cell and will follow the new procedures for gas collection and a smaller working area.

"The measures described above aim to provide greater protection for the community and the environment, as well as maximising gas collection in the long term so incidents of odour are less likely to occur.

"We will continue to monitor odours, track progress against the agreed plan and review the operator's management plans to ensure it is working in accordance with its permit."

A decision on the planning application will be taken at a later date.