Shropshire Star

Estate agents’ run raises £7,000 for charity

Two estate agents have helped to raise £7,000 by completing the London Marathon.

Dean and Patrick at the London Marathon

Patrick Smitheman, managing director of Harwood The Estate Agents Broseley office, and business partner Dean Millington, owner of the firm’s Wellington office, ran the marathon for DELTA - Deaf Education through Listening and Talking.

Dean is now planning to run it again after he and Patrick raise more than £7,000 for the charity.

“It was my first marathon which was unbelievably amazing and I really enjoyed the whole experience,” he said.

“To have raised £7,000 for DELTA was the icing on the cake – I found the magnitude of the event overwhelming.

“There was such a strong feeling of camaraderie with people raising money for every conceivable charity – everyone with a common goal.”

Patrick added: “I have never raised money on such a scale before. We are so grateful to all who kindly donated.”