Shropshire Star

Referendum to take place on Broseley development plan

Residents of a Shropshire town will be given a referendum on a neighbourhood development plan.

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Shropshire Council's backing means the plan now goes to a referendum

Shropshire Council's cabinet has approved a move for Broseley's Neighbourhood Development Plan to go to a public vote.

The development plan would be used to identify where new homes and businesses can be built, what they look like, as well as the protection of green spaces.

The cabinet backed the move for a referendum on the plan which was submitted to the council last year.

The vote on the plan will now take place sometime between September 1 and October 6.

If it receives the backing of residents it will then have to be formally adopted at a full meeting of Shropshire Council.

Councillor Dan Thomas, who represents Much Wenlock, which includes part of the area covered by the plan, welcomed the move.

Speaking at the cabinet meeting, he said: "As many of you know part of Broseley falls in my division. Broseley is a popular place to live, is strong economically and has a high quality of life which attracts people to live there.

"One aim of a neighbourhood development plan is to set out how a town will meet demand for new homes in the most sustainable way.

"The plan has been worked on extremely hard by the members of the committee and the town council and I fully encourage people to take part in the referendum and have their say on what development looks like in the parish."