Shropshire Star

Am dram group to perform radio station play

A Shropshire amateur dramatics group is to perform a play based in a radio station written by the author of Captain Corelli's Mandolin.

The Birchmeadow Centre

The Broseley Amdram (BroADS) early dpring production is 'Sunday Morning at the Centre of the World' by Louis de Bernieres.

The play is directed by Bill Mills and is set in a radio station with the actors playing various parts.

Louis de Bernieres has set the play around his life while living in South London and tells of the lives of his various neighbours and friends of many nationalities and characters.

The play is full of humour and will be followed by a quiz, with the questions being all about the play itself.

Performances will be on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 7-9, commencing at 7.30pm at the Birchmeadow Centre.

Tickets cost £8 and are available from Downes Greengrocers in the High Street in Broseley, on the door on the night, or online at

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