Shropshire Star

High streets across Telford getting a refresh in improvement works

Two war memorials are getting a tidy-up as part of improvements to some of Telford's high streets.

Madeley war memorial

A series of improvements are being made to transform the appearance of high streets across Telford and Wrekin.

Works are underway in Dawley, Madeley and Ironbridge to improve the look and feel of high streets, which the council hope will change perceptions and attract new footfall.

In Dawley, work is being carried out to refurbish the bandstand on the high street, and a new awning will be installed above the Jolly Good Pantry shop.

The Christian Centre will also benefit from replacement windows, the ‘Welcome to Dawley’ archway is being given a facelift and street furniture is being painted and cleaned in the high street.

In Madeley, work is focused on revamping Madeley War Memorial and the surrounding area, with work including dealing with drainage and the repainting and repairing of railings.

Other improvements include investing in new street furniture, such as planters and benches, flower planting and the replanting of shrub beds.

In Ironbridge, the War Memorial and viewing platform overlooking the Iron Bridge will see the benches repainted and repositioned and railings and signage repainting and replaced.

The work is funded through Telford & Wrekin Council’s Pride in Our High Street programme.

Katherine Kynaston, Telford & Wrekin Council’s director for housing, employment and infrastructure, said: “Through our Pride in Our High Street place plans, we are improving the look and feel of our high streets across the borough.

“Works are progressing well in a number of our towns to give our high streets and surrounding areas a makeover which will make them more attractive places to work, shop and visit.

“We’ve worked closely with partners to develop these place plans and this investment aims to increase footfall, encourage more visitors to our towns and also restore and maintain iconic historical landmarks.

“As well as making improvements to high streets in Dawley, Madeley and Ironbridge our place plans ensure that high streets in all our borough towns benefit from these makeovers.”