Shropshire Star

Gazebo and outdoor bar must be removed from Ironbridge properties

Two homeowners in one of Shropshire's most protected heritage sites are being ordered to take down an outdoor bar and a gazebo.

Last updated

Telford & Wrekin Council has issued planning enforcement notices to two properties in Ironbridge, both on Ladywood.

The Ironbridge Gorge is one of the most sensitive areas in the county in terms of planning permission, with Telford & Wrekin Council tasked with enforcing what it considers breaches of regulations.

The enforcement notices centre on a "thatched gazebo" at 4 Ladywood, and a green timber building used as a private bar at 8 Ladywood.

Both homeowners have been told to demolish the structures and remove all the materials from their land, within a month of the October 18.

In relation to the gazebo, the authority's enforcement notice states: "The council considers that by the virtue of its siting, materials, design and appearance, the thatched gazebo is an unsympathetic form of development which is located in an extremely prominent position within the curtilage of a listed building.


"The development is directly adjacent to the river bank and is visible from a number of viewpoints within the Severn Gorge Conservation Area and Ironbridge gorge World Heritage Site, including the Iron Bridge itself, which is a Scheduled Ancient Monument."

The council has issued a similar notice in respect of the bar.

It states: "The council considers that by the virtue of its siting, materials, design and appearance, the timber outbuilding, which is used as a bar, is an unsympathetic form of development which is located in an extremely prominent position."

According to the council, both cases are said to impact on the protected characteristics of the gorge.

Its statements on both properties said: "It is considered that the development adversely affects the landscape quality of the World Heritage Site, existing views to and from the Scheduled Ancient Monument and views within the World Heritage Site and conservation area.

"It is therefore considered that the development fails to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Severn Gorge Conservation Area and Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site, whilst also failing to preserve the setting of the adjacent Grade II Listed buildings or the nearby Scheduled Ancient Monument."

Both homeowners have been told they can appeal against the notices..