Shropshire Star

Second phase of £3m sewer works begins in Ironbridge

The second phase of a £3 million upgrade to the sewage system in Ironbridge has now begun.


Waterloo Road, which has been closed for several months, has now been reopened, and work has begun on Ironbridge Road between Lloyds Head to Ladywood. The work will continue until late January.

The road has been closed for a number of weeks while Severn Trent carried out sewage replacement, which required them to dig a trench through the centre of the road as part of their scheme.

During consultation, Telford & Wrekin Council identified a number of defects on other sections of the road and has paid to have them fixed at the same time, reducing the cost of the resurfacing.

Angie Astley, Telford & Wrekin Council’s assistant director for neighbourhood and customer services, said: “This has been an excellent example of partnership working with council contractors to upgrade a key road which was closed for other planned works anyway.

“Our thanks to Ironbridge residents and businesses and our partners for their co-operation and patience during this scheme, which has helped to keep both disruption and costs down.”