Shropshire Star

Repairs to major road route into Ironbridge Gorge will finish ahead of schedule

A main road into the Ironbridge world heritage site that was closed last year for repair work is set to reopen next month.

Last updated
Jiggers Bank Telford was closed for essential repairs in September

Jiggers Bank in Coalbrookdale is an historical route into the Ironbridge Gorge and due to the nature of its underlying geology, the area has been prone to movement and landslips.

The historical road was originally constructed as a single-lane tramway in the 1700s and then widened in the 1800s.

Jiggers Bank

Major work began to repair a retaining wall that supports the major access route and the road was closed last year.

As well as replacing sections of the 200-year-old wall, the work has included the installation of about 160 support rock anchors and the repair of several brick arches at the base.

After beginning the repair work last year, the borough council said detailed inspections had revealed greater deterioration than anticipated, which created fears the road could be closed past its 26-week end date of April 2024.

However, Telford & Wrekin Council has now said that repairs are set to be completed ahead of schedule and Jiggers Bank will be open before Easter.

A spokesperson for the council said on Thursday that the new "target date" for completion was March 28.