Shropshire Star

When to expect planning decision on Coalbrookdale Works homes plan

A decision on redevelopment plans for a historic foundry site is expected before the end of August.

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Last month a planning inquiry considered proposals for the former Coalbrookdale Works site, near Ironbridge.

The application, from Shropshire Homes, was first submitted back in 2021, and outlines plans to build more than 100 homes on the site.

Earlier this year it was confirmed that Shropshire Homes, which owns the site, was appealing to the Planning Inspectorate over the proposal, due to Telford & Wrekin Council failing to make a decision on the scheme.

Following the appeal the council subsequently held a meeting to consider the plans and decided it would approve them - but because the appeal had already been lodged, the decision was only advisory.

The former Coalbrookdale Works

The application has prompted concern from some that it could impact the World Heritage Site (WHS) status of the Ironbridge Gorge.

The International Council on Monuments & Sites (ICOMOS), which advises UNESCO on World Heritage Sites, raised fears over the plans.

In turn the Government wrote to Telford & Wrekin Council advising it to listen to ICOMOS' comments, to make sure the proposals would not damage the Ironbridge Gorge's valued world heritage status.

A decision on the appeal is now expected to be taken before August 29 – although that date is subject to change.