Warning after six Newport burglaries in two weeks
There have been six burglaries in the Newport area in the past two weeks.
Police have issued a warning to people living in the area to check their homes are secure.
Drivers are also asked to shut their windows and hide any valuable items out of view.
Superintendent Tom Harding said: "As the nights draw in, unfortunately we often see an increase in house burglaries, as well as valuables stolen being stolen from cars.
"Our officers do regular patrols, but I would also advise people, especially at this time of year, to think about their home and vehicle safety.
"Simple things can be done in the home such as setting lamps and radios to come on to a timer, use – or install – an alarm system, as well as installing outside security lighting.
"As for car safety - don't leave valuables on your seats and if you can park your car somewhere that is well lit rather than a secluded street, these can all help prevent being a target of crime."
Newport has recently been named a "We Don't Buy Crime" town after a successful roll out of the anti-theft product SmartWater.
More than 1,300 kits have been given out for free by Newport Town Council at events across the town – and hundreds more will be given out in the coming months.
For more information visit newportshropshire-tc.gov.uk