Teddy bears' grand day out in classic cars to entertain locked-down locals of Newport
Those doing their daily walking or running in Newport may have come across a huddle of bears enjoying themselves in a classic car.

The bears and the cars (including a Vauxhall Viva and 'Gladis' the Bedford Aristocrat) all belong to Fred Dukes, a Newport resident who would normally be showing the cars off at Weston Park this time of year.
Mr Dukes said: "The Vauxhall Viva Owners Club usually have a club stand at the Easter Sunday classic car show at Weston Park – obviously cancelled this year.
"So I thought I would display my vehicles outside my house for the benefit of those taking their daily exercise. We put the bear collection into the vehicles to add a bit of interest for the children."
The bears, including Big Bear, Rupert, Ted Fred and more, were on display in the vehicles including on a miniature open-top Vauxhall Viva.

Mr Dukes said the bears' day out was a roaring success and they may venture out again soon.
"They really enjoyed being on display and soaking up the admiring comments from those passing by on their daily exercise," he added.
"The show lasted until late afternoon, concluded slightly early due to a shower of rain – but the bears didn’t mind too much because it was close to itchy feet time!

"They all agreed it was a brilliant day – Big Bear suggested we might do it again for Drive It Day, April 26."
Drive It Day is a national initiative normally organised by the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs, to include drive-outs, rallies and meetings across the country.
The events have been cancelled this year in light of the coronavirus pandemic.