Pedestrian killed when hit by car on dark Newport road, inquest hears

A 54-year-old man was killed when he was knocked down by a car in poor visibility, an inquest heard.

Salters Lane, where the accident on January 20 took place. Photo: Google Maps

An inquest into the death of Jugraj Singh, who was born in Wellington but lived latterly in Newport, was held this week.

Mr Singh was killed in a crash in Salters Lane, Newport, on January 20.

Shropshire's coroner John Ellery heard a statement from the driver of the car which hit Mr Singh, who said that she was driving to a friend's house at the time of the crash.

She said that she had slept well the night before and not consumed any alcohol.

Her statement said that immediately before the crash, a driver travelling in the opposite direction flashed their headlights at her.

It said that after she felt an impact she stopped her car: "When I went towards him I felt sick. I didn't see the man I hit until after the crash."

The driver of the car coming the other way also gave a statement. It said: "[The road] is unlit, it is a dark lane with high walls close to the side of the road."


She described seeing a man "stumbling" and "zigzagging" in the road before the crash.

It also said: "I did not flash my headlights."

Emergency services attended but despite their best efforts, Mr Singh died.

A statement from an investigating police officer said: "The collision took place in the hours of darkness... it would have caused difficulty in [the driver] identifying the pedestrian.

"It is unlikely that the driver... would have seen the pedestrian or been able to take avoidant action."

A pathologist's report on Mr Singh said that the level of alcohol in his body was "significantly raised" at the time of his death and that it would have impacted on his balance.

Mr Ellery recorded that Mr Singh died as the result of a road traffic collision.

Telford & Wrekin Council has been approached for comment regarding the lighting issues raised.