Shropshire Star

Year group isolating after positive case at Newport school

A whole year group at a Newport school is in isolation after a positive coronavirus test.

Last updated
Burton Borough School in Newport

The Burton Borough School confirmed in a letter that the whole of year 10 has been told to stay at home and work remotely.

The letter to parents said: "This morning, we were alerted to a positive case in year 10 Y-half which means that the whole of year 10 are now in isolation and working from home on MS Teams.

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"The isolation period for the vast majority of year 10 X-half students will not change and we look forward to seeing your children return on Wednesday, November 25.

"However, with this new positive Covid case, it will affect some year 10 X-half students who will now need to isolate until Friday, November 27.

"Families of these students will receive a phone call from a member of staff and receive an additional letter with further details to make absolutely sure they are aware of the new date they need to isolate to.

"On behalf of the Burton Borough School community, I wish the student and their family a speedy recovery."