Football and basketball court, running track and outdoor gym planned for Newport park
Plans have been submitted for a multi-use games and outdoor gym area in a Newport park.
The plans, submitted by Telford & Wrekin Council, look to create a new multi-use ball court facility for football, basketball and cricket, with a two-lane running track and outdoor gym equipment.
It is proposed that the plans for the existing Shukers playing field, off Audley Avenue, will be funded by Section 106 planning obligations from the adjacent residential development.
Currently, the site is a public open space and includes a children’s equipped play area, amenity space for the community and sports pitches.
The site for the proposed ball court is currently owned by Telford & Wrekin Council, and the proposed recreational use will not change.
Telford & Wrekin Council said in its design and access statement that the plans could enhance the area and will be a free-to-use facility.
"The proposed recreational use is not changing," the report said. "A new free to use multi use ball court facility (football, basketball and cricket) with two lane running track and outdoor gym equipment is proposed, which will formalise an informal activity.
"The new ball court facility will be located slightly to the south of the existing children’s play area and a small footpath link created to link to the new residential development with the open space.
"The proposed enhanced recreational venue could also provide opportunities for occasional small localised events to promote healthy positive activities.
"There is no floodlighting proposed as part of this application."
The council said that having the new facilities near a residential area will provide additional security and safety for users.
"The location is not currently overlooked by many properties, but is aiming to retain a buffer of 30m distance from nearby existing residential properties.
"Also, by locating the proposed facility in the south of the current play area location this may open up views to the new residential properties on the new residential development which may provide additional security of usage.
"To reiterate, this project is to create a free of charge modern ball court multi-functional recreational facility, accessible for the local community to provide a greater range of healthy play and recreation opportunities."
Councillor Thomas Janke, borough and town councillor for Newport south, said: "I very much welcome this development which is said to help meet the needs of older children in our community, but I have raised concerns about the long standing drainage issues that I'm told are being looked into.
"I have also asked Telford & Wrekin Council to consider any issues surrounding ASB at the site, including any future provision for some sort of deterrent."
The consultation is ongoing and comments can be left on the planning portal: