Shropshire Star

Traditional Boxing Day Hunt takes place in Shropshire after event elsewhere is cancelled

A country tradition continued in Shropshire and mid Wales with Boxing Day hunts going ahead across the region.

Boxing Day hunt starting from Newport Rugby Club

While fox hunting has been illegal in England and Wales since 2004 hunts can still lay trails for hounds and horses to follow.

It was perfect weather for those who turned out for the hunts with the smallest of frosts keeping the ground firm underfoot.

The Albrighton and Woodland hunt met at Newport Rugby Club for the Boxing Day Trail Hunt.

Secretary, Alison Lawton, said members of the hunt were out first thing, laying artificial trails on local land for the hounds to follow.

"It is a tradition that brings horse riders and supporters together" she said.

"We can cover up to 10 miles at our events but our Boxing Day Hunt is always shorter."

"The hunt also supports local businesses such as Newport Rugby Club. We are grateful to the club for allowing us to meet there and we urge people to support it."

The reintroduction of a Boxing Day Hunt spectacle to Welshpool was cancelled at the eleventh hour.

A year after the traditional hunt gathering based at the Royal Oak ended, The Raven Inn had announced that it would be hosting the South Shropshire Hunt event.

However, after the decision caused a furious row on social media the owners of the Inn said it had decided to withdraw the invitation.

In a statement the owners said: "We will not be hosting the hunt on Boxing Day. I'm sorry for the amount of anger that this has created and I'm personally sad about all the nasty comments that have been said between people on both sides of the argument."

"The most compelling argument was from an anti-hunt FB (Facebook) page who simply asked us to reconsider in kind and non-abusive language.

"We were wrong. We have reconsidered and we will learn and move on. Merry Christmas."