Shropshire Star

Tiny Shropshire village's egg hunt a cracking success in its third year

An Easter egg hunt born out of lockdown, village competition and community spirit has celebrated its third year.

Fran Price with Alfie Bailey, 11, and Scott and Paula Marshall with Tyler Marshall, 5

The Tibberton Egg Hunt began three years ago after organisers wanted to give children something different to do with their Government-sanctioned exercise.

Since the Easter tradition has come on leaps and bounds and this year saw 120 little eggs-plorers hunt around the village on the outskirts of Newport.

One of the organisers, Francesca Price, said the event is a whole-village affair.

She said: "Eggs get donated by villagers and businesses, so people don't have to pay to take part.

"We thought it would be a nice thing to do for the children. There isn't really much for them to do in the village and a lot of the other villages around put things on like Halloween events or scarecrow trails - so I suppose it was also a bit of a competition really!"

Each year takes on a different theme - last year a sporting challenge event saw children working out to receive answers to clues.

This year, children followed clues around village landmarks in a search for Peter Rabbit.

The village pub, Sutherland Arms, provided free refreshments to the thirsty hunters.

An incredible 198 eggs were donated for the hunt, with the leftover treats to be distributed among the village's older residents, a nearby care home and Ward 9 at the Princess Royal Hospital - where Francesca works as a healthcare assistant.