Shropshire Star

New traffic orders to stop school traffic blocking Newport streets

Drivers taking children to Newport's junior school when term starts will no long be able to park in the street opposite the building.

New road markings outside of Newport Church of England Junior School in Newport - along Avenue Road and St Nicholas Park

Residents living in St Nicholas Park have had to cope with motorists using the road outside their houses as a car park while they drop off and pick up the students at the Newport Church of England Junior School.

This week Telford & Wrekin Council has been putting down double yellow line at the entrance to St Nicholas Park and other road markings and signs warning of new restricted parking orders.

The council has introduced a Restricted Parking Zone with waiting prohibited from 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday on part of St Nicholas Park.

Parts of Avenue Road are also affected.

The mandatory No Stopping (School Keep Clear) order on Avenue Road is also being extended.

Telford & Wrekin Council said that the purpose of the order was to improve the free flow of traffic by removing indiscriminate parking on the public highway and improving safety for pedestrians on the footway.