Shropshire Star

'Extremely intoxicated' yob stole buns from Greggs after slapping bar owner who stood up to him

A drunken yob who urinated outside a bar then attacked the owner before stealing buns from a neighbouring Greggs has been given a conditional discharge.

Novella and the Greggs branch Littlewood stole from. Photo: Google

Christopher Littlewood, who is 33, was "extremely intoxicated" in Newport and was "causing issues for local businesses" on the evening of October 7, Telford Magistrates Court heard on Tuesday.

Prosecutor Mrs Sharan Gill told the court that police were called to the Novella craft beer and cocktail bar in the town's High Street where Littlewood was urinating on the front of the premises and on the street.

When the bar's owner Matt Lorenz came out to ask him to stop, Littlewood "got in his face and slapped him to the left hand side of his head", said Mrs Gill.

Littlewood then walked into the Greggs bakery shop next door and took two Belgian buns and a packet of crisps. A member of staff tried to stop him but he left without paying, the court heard.

He even threw the buns at the Novella owner to try and "coax" him out of the doorway, said Mrs Gill.

Littlewood, of Chancery Court in Newport, was arrested and charged with the common assault of Mr Lorenz and theft from Greggs.

He pleaded guilty to both offences on Tuesday.