Shropshire Star

A thousand reasons to read Telford author George's new book

George Evans of Wellington may be in his 90s now, but he's gone and done it again. With over 20 books already under his belt, George has had a new one published.


It is called Round The Wrekin in Kiloverbs are comprises George's memories and reflections on Wellington and The Wrekin and the changes over the years.

"It's a collection of essays about the place and the community," says George, 94.

He explains that Kiloverb simply means a thousand words.

"If you had done Latin in school you would know that verbum does mean a word in Latin. When I submit an article for publication they want to know how long it is going to be. One thousand words is about right for the sort of thing I write. I write about 1,200 words and then edit it down, and I got into the habit of keeping it exactly, precisely, 1,000 words - not 999. So when I send a copy off it is precisely 1,000 words."

Round The World In Kiloverbs

His new book is a compilation of 50 or so "kiloverbs" which have been published over the last 17 years in Wrekin News, although confusingly given the book's title and his explanation they are of varying lengths.

"I rang up and said I would like to publish a book. At my age it's ridiculous. I'm lucky if I last out to tomorrow. I don't know what to do as a 94-year-old. I don't know any 94-year-olds. I'm looking for a role model and can't find one."

George's articles span various aspects of his life, including his childhood, and his time as a soldier, which he hated, fighting in France after the Normandy invasion. George is a Quaker and was the instigator of the Wellington Peace Garden.

George Evans

Among other things he recalls his teaching days, and also his days on Wellington Urban District Council, which he chaired from 1961 to 1962, together with pen pictures of the chairmen and women of that council until it became defunct in 1974.

Passionate about his native Wellington, he includes some trademark swipes at Telford, which he says he finds to be "a building site with delusions of grandeur."

Widower George is not now as mobile as he once was: "I have a mind most of which is only about 12 years old and a body which is at least the 94 that it is. I have a battle going on between mind and body."

Round The Wrekin In Kiloverbs is published by Plus Two Media Ltd and is currently available from the Red Lion Service Station on Holyhead Road, Wellington; Market Frames in Wellington Market; from the offices of Wrekin News at Bridge Road, Wellington; or by ringing James Baylis on 01952 522562 or 07977 481186.