Shropshire Star

Concern over drivers flouting parking rules in Wellington

“Ludicrous” numbers of drivers are flouting the rules and parking in a Wellington cul de sac despite double yellow lines, one of its residents has said.

Ken How is concerned at the number of drivers flouting the rules and parking on double yellow lines in Wellington

Ken How, 87, said one of the appeals of his home in Park Street, Wellington, was that it supposedly had strict parking enforcement in place.

But since he moved three years ago, he says it has been a constant issue.

“In this country there is a law that says you can’t park on double yellow lines,” Ken said. “In Wellington that doesn’t seem to matter. It’s absolutely ridiculous. It seems in Wellington they can park for free as long as they want. I’ve complained to the police, I’ve complained to the council, I’ve complained to my local MP.”

Ken, who was in the armed forces, said that he can often see cars parked in the road from outside his window.

He said he has had meetings with police since complaining, and that officers told him the police service was due to have further discussions with Telford & Wrekin Council about enforcement this autumn. But he said that in the meantime people would continue to get away with it.

He said: “It’s something that nobody bothers about. Why does the council spend huge amounts of money doing and redoing double yellow lines when they aren’t enforced? When we moved here just over three years ago we liked this flat. We were pleased that it was a cul de sac and there were double yellow lines all the way around our end.”

A spokeswoman for Telford & Wrekin Council said: “Civil parking enforcement is currently not the council’s responsibility – it is the that of the police.

“However we have applied for this to move to the council’s responsibility and this is expected, subject to Government approval, to come under Telford & Wrekin Council’s control in the early part of spring 2020.

"We are now preparing and planning for this change which would allow us to focus more on issues that we know matter to borough residents such as considerate and illegal parking. Once the timing of the council taking on this responsibility is confirmed and as we move closer to the date, more information will be available.”