Shropshire Star

Wellington mayor's fundraising gives vital boost to charities

Charities in Wellington which specialise in caring for homeless people and those recovering from addictions have been given a financial boost thanks to a mayor's donation.

Former Wellington mayor, Councillor Anthony Lowe, right, handing over the cheque to Richard Leith and Ambre-Kate Willoughby, both from Telford After Care Team

The former mayor of the town, Councillor Anthony Lowe, chose Manincare and Telford After Care Team to be the beneficiaries of his fundraising efforts during his tenure in office.

Councillor Lowe made donations of £800 to both charities following his year as mayor.

Presenting the cheques to representatives of both trusts, Councillor Lowe said he wanted to support organisations in Wellington that helped local people most in need.

“They are both very worthwhile causes, giving vital care to Wellington residents,” Councillor Lowe said.

“I was pleased with the £1,600 my wife and I managed to collect during our 2019/2020 year in office, but obviously lockdown meant that we could not host various events, particularly our mayoral dinner, which is usually the year’s big fundraiser.

“However, some people still donated their ticket price and we also held raffles and church collections at the civic service and carol service.

“We received a generous donation of £150 from Wellington Cricket Club, as well as several anonymous gifts, and my wife and I donated £250."

Richard Leith, of Telford After Care Team added: “Every little helps and this £800 donation raised during by Councillor Lowe is greatly appreciated.”

Alan Olver of homelessness charity Maninplace said they were greatly appreciative of the donation of £800.

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