Man arrested after spitting attack on emergency workers in Wellington cemetery

A man on a court Community Payback scheme has been arrested in a cemetery on suspicion of attacking two people and spitting on emergency service workers.

Last updated
Wellington cemetery. Photo: Google

The incident happened in Wellington cemetery on Saturday.

The man was participating in the Community Payback scheme and was arrested after allegedly assaulting the scheme's supervisors whilst carrying out work in the cemetery.

Police officers and an ambulance crew were called to the location at around 3.30pm when the male allegedly spat at two police officers and in the face of a paramedic.

He currently remains in custody.

Peter Rigby, Wellington Neighbourhood Officer from West Mercia’s Police Federation, said: "A male has been arrested in Wellington Cemetery today after he assaulted two people, then spat in the face of a paramedic and two police officers.

"Absolutely disgusting behaviour towards the emergency services.

"It is hard to understand why anyone would take their anger out on the very people who were sent to help.

"Spitting in someone’s face in wholly unacceptable under any circumstances, but at a time when the risks from Covid remain, it shows a complete disregard for the health of emergency personnel."