Shropshire Star

Wrekin artists, performers or writers invited to apply for funding

The Arts Society Wrekin is again looking to give a helping hand to talented artists, performers and writers by awarding a grant towards their work.

Last updated
Jacob Chandler

The society is making £2,000 available for the first time in two years for anyone of any age who has an interest in the arts or crafts and a connection to the Wrekin area,

It is part of the Frank Harthill Award, named after a long-standing member of the society who died. His wife, Anne, donated the money to the society when he passed on.

Poise and elegance by Jacob Chandler the joint winner of the Frank Harthill award in 2020

Two years ago Jacob Chandler, a then 25-year-old sculptor from Wellington and Shrewsbury School pupil, and actress Kate Woodman, from Bridgnorth, were given £1,500 each from the committee, with three runners up receiving £200

Jacob will have a piece of artwork unveiled at Birmingham's New Street station next week as part of the Birmingham 2022 Festival celebrating the Commonwealth Games. Kate enjoyed a starring role in a CITV series Ted's Top Ten last year.

They were two of 14 applicants interviewed over Zoom for the award, and David Franklin, from the society, said they were hoping for some equally gifted people to apply for the latest funding.

He said: "Jacob and Kate have gone on to great things and hopefully the award gave them a helping hand with that. They were quite young but it is important to stress there is no age limit on this, just that the applicant is involved in the arts in some way, though no formal qualification are necessary, and has a connection to The Wrekin area.

The closing date for applications is July 15, with more details at