Shropshire Star

Telford leisure centre set for £230,000 revamp as part of ten-year anniversary

A Telford leisure centre is set for a £230,000 revamp as part of its 10th anniversary celebrations.

Last updated
Wellington Leisure Centre is 10 this month and has receive a major boost with a big investment in new equipment

Telford & Wrekin Council said the cash for Wellington Civic and Leisure Centre was part of the council’s £4.6 million commitment for leisure services.

This month marks 10 years since the leisure hub of Wellington opened its doors and around 15,000 customers now visit each week to use its swimming, fitness and sports facilities onsite.

Councillor Kelly Middleton, cabinet member for leisure, public health and wellbeing, equalities and partnerships, said: “We are striving to make a difference by investing in the borough to make it cleaner, greener, safer and more enjoyable.

“We are very excited to see this new refurbishment happen at Wellington.

"Our leisure facilities play a vital role in contributing to people’s physical and mental wellbeing.

"This is why we will continue to invest in council-owned gyms and swimming pools to ensure not only that they are great places for our residents to keep fit and healthy but that we offer customers the latest fitness equipment to enhance their leisure experience.”

The gym refurbishment which will begin at the end of July, will see new state of the art gym kit installed from Pulse Fitness including 30 cardio stations complete with treadmills, elliptical cross trainers, stepmills and Watt Bikes.

There will also be 19 fixed resistance stations,which include an eight-station resistance frame and eight free weight stations with a Smith machine and half rack.

Work will also see the installation of new group cycling bikes to enhance the cycling classes offer at the centre.