Shropshire Star

Wellington couple married for 57 years desperate for return of engagement ring

A Wellington couple are hoping residents can help find a missing engagement ring used for a birthday proposal more than 50 years ago.

Ross and Dorothy Vickers celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary in 2015, pictured here with a photo from their wedding day in 1965.

Dorothy Vickers, 75, think the band slipped off her finger near her home on Park Street in Wellington, just before Christmas. Her husband, Ross Vickers, 78, is currently in hospital with cancer.

The ring has a single diamond on a gold band with the engraving 'DJP - RDV 18/08/1964', the couples initials and the date Mr Vickers proposed.

"Ross proposed on my 18th birthday, and we got married the following March," Mrs Vickers explained, "My father told me it was ridiculous that I was getting married at 18, and told me it would never last more than 18 months! We proved him wrong.

"It would mean so much to get it back now, with Ross being so unwell, it would mean everything."

The couple celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary in March this year, and hope to be reunited with the ring before the anniversary of the proposal in August.

The couple's friend, Anni Bufton, said of the pair: "They're a wonderful couple, if anyone wants to see what life long love looks like, you just have to look at Ross and Dorothy. They're like teenagers, it rubs off on you.

"They're fantastic, and they've done so much for the town. They never seek recognition, they're just wonderful people.

"We've been to all the jewellers and 'cash for gold' shops in the area and had no luck. I'm just hoping someone has it at home in a box like you might do if you picked something up off the street."

If you have any information about the missing ring, contact the Shropshire Star by emailing or ringing 01952 242424.