Nursing accommodation plan for former workhouse in Telford
Plans have been submitted to convert an outbuilding of a former workhouse in Telford into accommodation for nursing staff.

The small building in Wellington, constructed in 1876, was thought to have been offices of the former Wellington Workhouse and considered to be a non-designated heritage asset.
Later the property became a dentist as part of Wrekin Hospital, before its adjacent main building was converted to provide a nursing home 30 years ago.
Morris Care Centre, off Holyhead Road, in Wellington, said that the change of use from dentist to home of multiple occupancy will ‘reduce reliance of travelling by car and public transport’.
The former dentist practice is on the same grounds as the care home.
Plans submitted to Telford &Wrekin Council will see the building converted into accommodation, with a single-story rear extension built and external works.
The plans include a kitchen, bathrooms and a communal living room. The building is currently being used for storage.
A design statement from planners said: “The external appearance of the original building is a key factor in its appreciation and significance both locally and within the wider community.
“While the building is in generally good condition some remedial works may be required, while other changes may be necessary in compliance with building regulations.
“The proposals seek to maintain the overall external appearance and retain as much of the original fabric as possible, including original windows (where building control allows) and rainwater goods.
“Internally, there are fixtures and fittings in the main building which survive from its previous use and any features associated with the former use will be retained. It is planned to retain as much as possible of the original fabric of the building."
Richard Morris & Associates historical building consultants prepared a heritage impact statement and said the plans were ‘well-designed and proportionate’.
Their investigation found that the building plans would result in a ‘minor degree of change, but not harm the building or any adjacent heritage assets – designed or non-designed’.
The planning application can be viewed on the Telford & Wrekin County Council website planning portal with the application number: TWC/2023/0274.
Story by Local Democracy Reporter Ben Goddard