Shropshire Star

Watch as town celebrates 780th anniversary of its market charter

A very happy 780th birthday was wished to Wellington Market on the town's annual Charter Day.


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The clouds parted a little after Saturday's wintery start which encouraged a good crowd to see the morris dancers and wish a hearty God Save the King.

Rob Francis, of Wellington H2A, said: "The weather started out pretty grey but when the Ironmen and Severn Gilders Morris Dancers came out it stopped and we had a great crowd and the sun came out.

"The day went much better than we thought it might."

Wellington Charter Day in Telford. In Picture: Ironmen & Severn Gliders.

He added: "By the time we got to lunchtime there were a few hundred people and what is great is that the town's businesses really got into it."

There was even a nice joke as the King's Rider announced the market charter and the king's seal, by holding up a toy sea creature. The crowd rippled with laughter.

Wellington Charter Day in Telford. In Picture: The King's Rider.

The Charter Day is held on the first Saturday in March and is the traditional start of the town's events season.

This year a new marmalade competition was held in The Pheasant, which was won by Beryl Mason.

And next year's annual event could see things develop even more with the town's market under council control.

Wellington Charter Day in Telford. In Picture: Ironmen & Severn Gliders.

"We are exploring how we could perhaps have themed charter day events in restaurants and how we can expand to the market. It is under council control which might give us more scope," said Rob.

The day also involves the convening of the ancient Manor Court for its annual session in order to appoint the town crier, the clerk of the market and the ale taster for the year ahead.

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