Shropshire Star

Talking Telford: Ethical consumption in Wellington - on a budget

I’m not a religious man but I grew up in a religious place, where the daily bible verses and hymns did leave me with a love of the colourful phrasing and metaphors the bible inspires, if not with an unshakeable belief in the almighty.

Owner of the Little Green Pantry Keli King

‘When god closes one door he opens another’ - you may have heard that before from a well-meaning relative after you’ve been dumped or turned down for a job. It’s about being open to new opportunities and possibilities even when we’re faced with disappointment.

Now, it seems unfair to me to give god the credit for all the door-opening when in fact it’s usually hard-working humans hurrying around all day opening them, but the semantics of the phrase are less important to me than the spirit.

And it was in this spirit that, reeling from the disappointment of Wellington’s Oxfam charity shop door closing for good recently, I decided to open another door I’d never opened before.