Shropshire Star

Brown Clee player's "Aguero moment"

Followers of local football teams from yesteryear – and we are really going back with this one – may recognise some of these players from Brown Clee FC.

Brown Clee FC in the early 1950s. The picture looks like it might have been taken in somebody's back garden – can anyone pinpoint the location?

Thank you to Alan Jervis for emailing in this picture and chipping in some interesting details, including what we might call an "Aguero moment" for one of the Brown Clee team who made the big time.

Alan tells us: "I am treasurer for, and for many years a member of, local football team Brown Clee Football Club. Attached is a favourite old team photo from the early 1950s.

"I can name several very recognisable faces who lived locally who are back, left to right, unknown, unknown, Max Preece, Gordon Howells, Alan Preece, Edwin Moreton. Front, from left, Brian Meredith, Eric Preece, unknown, Brian Rowson, Trevor Meredith.

"Many went on to be farmers in the local area and will be recognised by the farming community.

"Trevor Meredith however went on to play for Kidderminster Harriers, and was later signed by First Division Burnley.

"Trevor didn't feature regularly in the first team but late in season 1959 and 1960 England winger John Connelly was injured on international duty and Trevor played the last eight games of the season.

"When it came to the last game of the season against Manchester City, Burnley needed to win to win the First Division title. Wolves manager Stan Cullis was in the stands to watch because if Burnley didn't win, Wolves would be champions.

"Burnley took the lead only for Manchester City to equalise. But later in the game Trevor Meredith scored the winner to make it 2-1 and Burnley were champions.

"Trevor later played for Shrewsbury Town for many years, but at this time of the season when we may recall the commentator screaming 'AGUERO' as he scores the goal on the last day of the season to win the top prize in British football, remember that it has been done before – and by a Brown Clee player."

Alan added: "The picture was loaned to me by the late Mrs Les Carter whose husband had been connected to Brown Clee for many years.

"I don't know the location although I'd guess Low Town, Bridgnorth, as there used to be a pitch in the old Decca factory area and the backdrop resembles what is known as Queen's Parlour – but I emphasise this is a guess.

"Since the 1960s the team has been based at Cleobury North, playing on the same field that is used to hold Burwarton Show and still plays its games there today. The changing rooms were, and still are, in Cleobury North village hall. The base for meetings and post-match refreshment was, and still is, the Boyne Arms at Burwarton, who help us greatly.

"The strip has predominately been green with yellow trim, although I don't know the strip colour in the photograph.

"I was raised in Ditton Priors, now live in Bridgnorth, and lived in both locations during my playing days. The picture is from well before my time which commenced in the 1970s. Most on the picture have now passed away.

"Local football has diminished over recent years but as mentioned above, Brown Clee still play at Cleobury North and compete in the Shropshire Premier Mercian Regional Football League, which I believe is the last remaining Saturday football league in Shropshire."